Many engineers don’t really think much about the differences between T and Delta-T, but it is essential to think of the true leverage in costs that come with a good understanding of the two concepts. T stands for a temperature as measured and can take on a tremendous range from the supercooled to the super-hot. The really important parameter is Delta-T which is best understood as the difference between two temperatures. It is the real driving force in any heating or cooling system. Also, important to understand is how the difference is the source of much leverage in heating or cooling applications and this is best understood with a simple comparison. Take a Delta-T of 15 degrees C and compare it to a Delta-T of 10 degrees C. Sounds pretty close (15 and 10) but expressed as a percentage it is 50% higher at Delta-T of 15 degrees C versus a Delta-T of 10 degrees C – and that extra 50% creates lots more driving force. You certainly are warmer or cooling way much faster!
