Multi-Variable Problems In Engineering (Analysis, Solution and Control)

Includes sub-courses: Critical Variables in Vessels, Pipes, Pump Designs, Variables in Corrosion and Extreme Variables Analyses (Fires, Explosions).

10-11 Febr. 2025, 12-13 May 2025, 16-17 September 2025, 10-11 November 2025.

ECSA CPD Accreditation. Credits: 2 – CPD Reference number: SAIChE-389.

E4A has accumulated a wealth of information on the multi-variable problems that impact on modern process operations and control thereof.  Most modern processes are complex in nature and becoming increasingly so with every year that passes.

This course first takes a look at the meaning and implications of complexity for variables control. After explaining a very broad viewpoint on the range of variables and variables interactions, this course addresses the need to understand the effect variables can have on processes and thus the high risks to profit loss and deterioration. There is a brief but appropriate training on the real cost of failed batches as rework or disposal costs to give context to the need for a total RIGHT FIRST TIME (RFT) philosophy.

The course thoroughly addresses the need to ensure proper detailed monitoring of all variables and the lock-in or fixing of variables through appropriate procedures – to in turn build up the RFT commitment. A range of industries are reviewed through case studies from the Southern African region. These case studies deal with basic variables problems and are thus at levels all staff can absorb and relate to.

This course is designed to guide and train attendees on the process of detailed research and review of every variable that can impact on a design, or process, or plant upgrade, and to draw up a systems diagram and Excel spreadsheet summary of the total variables in the system analysed. The participants are then directed to study the critical variables and propose solutions from the in-depth problem analysis performed.


The main objective is to build up skills of attendees in determining all variables in a system and especially highlighting the critical variables. The control methods and problem solving around critical variables is addressed under the non-conformance monitoring and removal system.

Economic benefits are achieved through process improvements that lead to energy or materials savings and tighter control of processes. The benefits arise especially from the control and enhancement of the critical variables identified.  

Attendee comments:

“It is a really informative and gives guidelines to designing as well”
– Noah T.

“Course provided a great discussion of a field that is not widely practiced or understood. The value of skill sets of attendees provided a good variety of insights”.
– James F.

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